Juvenile Civil Protection Orders

There are two types of civil protection orders that can be issued by the juvenile court: a Juvenile Civil Protection Order or a Juvenile Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order (CPO). Either request is filed on the same petition form. The petition for a CPO must be completed and signed by you in the presence of a notary public. Do not sign it until you are with a notary public. You may be required to provide some identification. The instructions for completing the petition can be found below.   The Hancock County Juvenile Court hears CPO's only in those cases where the Petitioner resides in Hancock County and the Respondent is under 18 years of age.  Please note that if the petition being filed is against a person (the respondent) who is over the age of 18 years, then the petition should be filed at the Hancock County Clerk of Courts on the 3rd floor of the Hancock County Courthouse.

You must decide if a CPO petition fits your circumstances and you are responsible for completing the petition. You are urged to request assistance from a victim advocate with Open Arms Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services at 419-420-9261 or 419-422-4766. Once the petition is completed and signed, take it to the Hancock County Juvenile Court and await instructions.   Normally if time permits, an ex-parte hearing is held immediately or an expedited hearing date is given.  Other hearings will be scheduled once the ex-parte hearing is completed.

You may have many other questions regarding civil protection orders and your rights.  WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.


Published on Jan 24, 2022, 15:34 PM by Rebecca VanScoder